Tuesday, 3 October 2017

le mardi 3 octobre

Good afternoon dear parents, guardians and students!

September was quite a busy and fun month, with students extending their learning with their various research projects. I'm happy to say that routines are being followed well.

A few key items:
-Library day is on Tuesday. I suggest that students bring their books on Monday or remember them Tuesday morning. Failure to return books to the library means that they cannot borrow any for that week or until the books are returned. Unfortunately, this does affect vocabulary growth and the ability to foster the love of reading.

- Pizza forms are due tomorrow. 

-P.D. day on Friday the 6th.

-Monday the 9th is a holiday. 

-October 11th is Intermediate Cross Country Meet

-October 12th is Junior Regionals Cross Country Meet

-October 17th is Math Night

Units of Study - Grade 4
Science: Habitats et Communautés
-analyse the effects of human activities on habitats and communities
-demonstrate an understanding of habitats and communities and the relationships among the plants and animals that live in them

French: Biographie
-Intercultural Understanding

-Intercultural Awareness

-Awareness of Sociolinguistic Conventions

Social Studies: (Some) Civilizations Anciennes
-compare key aspects of life in a few early societies

Units of Study Grade 5
Science: Systèmes du Corps Humain
-demonstrate an understanding of the structure and function of human body systems and interactions within and between systems
-analyse the impact of human activities and technological innovations on human health

French: Article d’intérêt local de la communauté francophone
-Intercultural Understanding
-Intercultural Awareness

-Awareness of Sociolinguistic Conventions

Social Studies: (Some) Premières Nations et les Européens dans la Nouvelle-France et le Canada
-use the social studies inquiry process to investigate aspects of interactions among and between First Nations and Europeans in Canada prior to 1713 from the perspectives of  the various groups involved

Units of Study Grade 6
Sciences: Biodiversité
-assess human impacts on biodiversity, and identify ways of preserving biodiversity
-demonstrate an understanding of biodiversity, its contributions to the stability of natural systems, and its benefits to humans.

French:Reportage d’intérêt provincial ou national touchant la communauté francophone
-Intercultural Understanding
-Intercultural Awareness

-Awareness of Sociolinguistic Conventions

Études Sociales: (Some) Communautés dans le Canada - passé et présent
-assess contributions to Canadian identity made by various groups and by various features  of Canadian communities  and regions

The Arts
Grade 4, 5, and 6 students will be learning about the Elements of each type of Art that I am teaching them this year. Theory is important. We will be exploring forms and cultural contexts of various types of art. An example of this is putting in place Dramatic Art Elements, such as Space, Time, Characters, etc.

Enjoy the beautiful weather and I wish you a fantastic long weekend!

Mme Souligny